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WARNING: Visiting the internet can infect your PC with malware so you must always use your anti-virus program to check downloaded files before opening them. Using Defender, choose custom scan then select your downloads folder and scan it. Checking is particularly important with installer programs and Windows will scan to identify the publisher of the installer *.exe file before opening it. If the publisher has not has been recognised the Windows UAC will warn you and it could be risky to proceed unless you are sure your virus-checker found no malware.

license.pdf GNU Free Software licensing conditions required for Simfit and Simdem.
install.pdf Explains how to install the Simfit and Simdem packages.
Simfit Installation files for Simfit: Version 8.1.4 (64-bit)
simfit icon
simfit_setup8_1_4.exe is digitally-signed and installs free, stand-alone Simfit for 64-bit Operating Systems.
Includes test files, documentation, and a utility to use the NAG library DLLs if you have a valid licence. However, the default Simfit academic version requires no libraries.
The Program Manager x64_simfit.exe provides an option to open a simplified version designed for first-time users called sv_simfit.
simfit4.xls and simfit6.xls are macros to make Simfit data files from Excel spreadsheets. They will be found in C:\Program Files\simfit\doc.
Simdem Installation files for Simdem: Version 8.1.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Demonstrates how to use Simfit DLLs to write Windows programs.
simdem icon
silverfrost icon
Installs the 32-bit Simdem FTN95 default
CDECL version to use with Plato.

It also installs the 64-bit Simdem FTN95 /64
version to use with Plato.
PostScript Installation files for Ghostscript dlls (32-bit or 64-bit)
ghostscript icon
The Ghostscript package for PostScript and pdf users is a recommended free program for professional quality graphics. However Simfit does not now need a GhostScript installation as it links directly to the GhostScript dll gsdll64.dll which is provided by the installer program.
Users of Simdem who want to use the PostScript options in Simdem will need to provide a link to gsdll32.dll or gsdll64.dll.
pscodes.pdf Explains the advantages of using Simfit PostScript graphics files
Source Open Source Codes for programmers
source.pdf Explains how to unzip then compile the Simfit and Simdem packages.
It must be read before attempting to unzip and use the source codes.
simzip8_1_3.zip Simfit package source code.
Contains all batch, link, html, and icon files.
demzip8_1_1.zip Simdem package source code.
Contains all batch, link, html, and icon files.
manzip8_1_2.zip Simfit reference manual LaTeX code.
Contains all auxiliary files and graphics files.
nagzip7_3_0 .zip Source code, icons, batch files and documentation to upgrade
Simfit for a new release of the NAG DLLs.
naglib6_9_8.zip Source code for over two hundred NAG library subroutines
called by the Academic version of the Simfit package.
Simfit home page