SVG files are device-independent internet image files that can be enlarged or compressed with no pixellation or loss of resolution.
This page illustrates how Simfit SVG files can be re-scaled so that only the "white space" between the character strings and plotting symbols is altered.
The plots show the original graphs first in x:y = 4:3 aspect ratio and then differentially stretched to prevent labels and plotting symbols overlapping.
There is also a link to the main gallery displayed in large high definition SVG format.
Use the browser scroll bars to appreciate stretching white-space-only to create chart-paper type displays as follows:
With X re-scaling factors >> 1 then HORIZONTAL SCROLLING will be necessary, as with examples 2 and 3.
With Y re-scaling factors >> 1 then VERTICAL SCROLLING will be required, as with examples 4 and 5.