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simfit logo A collection of re-scaled and enlarged SVG plots: details in the reference manual and tutorials

Documents about the Simfit scalable Vector Graphics procedures

Examples of re-scaled SVG files

SVG files are device-independent internet image files that can be enlarged or compressed with no pixellation or loss of resolution.
This page illustrates how Simfit SVG files can be re-scaled so that only the "white space" between the character strings and plotting symbols is altered.
The plots show the original graphs first in x:y = 4:3 aspect ratio and then differentially stretched to prevent labels and plotting symbols overlapping.
There is also a link to the main gallery displayed in large high definition SVG format.

Use the browser scroll bars to appreciate stretching white-space-only to create chart-paper type displays as follows:

  1. With X re-scaling factors >> 1 then HORIZONTAL SCROLLING will be necessary, as with examples 2 and 3.
  2. With Y re-scaling factors >> 1 then VERTICAL SCROLLING will be required, as with examples 4 and 5.

Example 1: Dendrogram with X re-scaling factors 1 and 3

dendrogram x_scale = 1
  X_scale = 1

dendrogram x_scale = 3
  X_scale = 3:   You may need to use the BROWSER HORIZONTAL SCROLL BAR to appreciate the effect of stretching white space.

Example 2: Dendrogram with X re-scaling factors 1 and 5

Fisher_iris_data_dendrogram x_scale = 1
  X_scale = 1

Fisher_iris_data_dendrogram x_scale = 5
  X_scale = 5:   Use the BROWSER HORIZONTAL SCROLL BAR to appreciate the effect of stretching white space.

Example 3: Prime numbers up to 10000 with X re-scaling factors 1 and 20

primes x_scale = 1
  X_scale = 1

primes x_scale = 20
  X_scale = 20:   Use the BROWSER HORIZONTAL SCROLL BAR to appreciate the effect of stretching white space.

Example 4: Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function with Y re-scaling factors 1 and 10

    Y_scale = 1

Riemann_zeta_zeros y_scale = 1
   Y_scale = 10:   Use the BROWSER VERTICAL SCROLL BAR to appreciate the effect of stretching white space.

Riemann_zeta_zeros y_scale = 10"

Example 5: Rainfall in England and Wales with Y re-scaling factors 1 and 10

    Y_scale = 1

Rainfall in England and Wales y_scale = 1>
  Y_scale = 1
    Y_scale = 10:   Use the BROWSER VERTICAL SCROLL BAR to appreciate the effect of stretching white space.

Rainfall in England and Wales y_scale = 10>

Example 6: View the main gallery in large high definition SVG format

Display the SVG gallery
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