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Fitting the recurrent epidemic differential equations
Recurrent epidemic phase plane
Phase portait for Van der Pol oscillator
Beta distribution equation and graph
fitting a beta distribution
Chemical formulas with LaTeX
Poisson fit
3D waves
rosenbrocks function
Bray-Curtis dendrogram
Trinomial parameter 95% confidence contours
Plotting LaTeX maths
Multivariate K-means clustering
diffusion from a plane source
8-leaved rose of Abbe Grande
deconvolution of 3 Gaussians
fitting a convolution integral
Scatchard plot for ligand binding
Cohran-Mantel-Haenszel Meta Analysis log odds ratios
cubic splines smoothing
best fit normal cdf
Kaplan-Meier survival analysis
3D cylinder plot with error bars
phase portrait for Lotka-Voterra equations
orbits for a differential equation
Perspective in pie charts
Perspective in box and whisker plots
Multivariate two dimensional Biplot
Multivariate three dimensional Biplot
Three dimensional scatter diagram
Times Series Partial Autocorrelation Function
ARIMA forecasts with 95% confidence limits
ANOVA Power and Sample Size
Analysis of Flow Cytometry Histograms
95% confidence ellipses
Venn Diagram for the Addition Rule
Highlighting centroids for K-means clusters
Semilog inset plot for exponential fitting
Extrapolating double reciprocal inhibition plots
3D surface plot for z = f(x,y)
Plotting slanted and multiple error bars
Double plots with two scales
Damped oscillations
Bar chart features
Stacked bar chart features
Periodic impulse functions
Periodic impulse functions
Camalot logarithmic spiral
Hill Plot
Tukey-Hanning 4253H twice smoother
cubic bessel_interpolation
Doughnut piechart
random walk in one dimension
random walk in two_dimensions
random walk in three dimensions
skyscraper_plot for bivariate normal distribution
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